Our mission is simple: LiveLong
We aim to help people to live long by eliminating preventable deaths caused by heart attacks, lung cancer and other medical conditions. We will accomplish this by partnering with you to first identify your health risks and warning signs, then empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself, based on the latest scientific data. And we make it as easy as possible for you.
Today in the United States, heart attack and lung cancer are the number 1 and number 2 killers for both men and women. Sadly, fatal heart attacks and lung cancer have no symptoms until too late. About half of fatal heart attack victims die within an hour. By the time lung cancer victims experience symptoms, the cancer has already spread, and is too late to usually fatal.
At HeartLung, we’re pioneering a future that tips the scale in favor of life—in favor of you. We’re preparing for the millions of Americans and many more worldwide who can benefit from early detection of preventable fatal diseases.
Our History
HeartLung was founded by Dr. Morteza Naghavi, an innovative physician researcher and entrepreneur with interests in preventive cardiology and medical technology. Our team of industry-leading physicians are dedicated to increasing people's life starting with taking out America’s most deadly silent killers: heart disease and lung cancer.